Balthazar Patiachvili

Nowadays | Studies | Interships | Projects | Contact

Personal website.

Language: English | Français


I am a student in second year of the MPRI (Master Parisien de Recherche en Informatique, Parisian Master of Research in Computer Science).



Improvement of the automation of proofs in the coq-waterproof library

Eindhoven University of Technology in Eindhoven, April 2023 — June 2023
Supervised by Jim Portegies, the intership concluded with a the development of a plugin for the Coq proof assistant, available on GitHub.

ReportDefense slides

Heuristics for the repayment of mutual debts on payment graphs

LORIA (Laboratoire lorrain de recherche en informatique et ses applications), June 2022 — July 2022
Supervised by Nazim Fates and Sylvain Contassot-Vivier

Report (in French)Slides of the defense (in French)

Other projects


A Rust no_std library to manipulate filesystems, including ext2.

git repository on Codeberg


I am a member of Crans, the network association of ENS Paris-Saclay, since September 2021.
Additionally, I became technical supervisor since November 2022, and technical supervisor in chief since March 2024.


By mail : balthazar [dot] patiachvili [at] crans [dot] org

My PGP key:

1B91 F087 3D06 1319 D3D0  7F91 FA47 BDA2 6048 9ADA

Last update : 15 octobre 2024